~*~ In Honor of Sa'shwa ~*~

In the beginning,

Frank Douglas lived in New York City.

There he studied Hand Reading with a woman named Florence Meschter

They met in a weekly class for 2 years.

Through the years he also became facinated with the works of varied mediums,

Madame Blavastky and Chechwa.

Frank worked as an executive for The Occidental Petroleum Company

but knew he was destined to greater things.

He traveled to Southern Mexico

to a place called Xipolite Beach.

Throughout this journey he met a man named Martin Myman,
best known for the Fritz the Cat comic

A remarkable thing happened in the process,

he questioned his guide...

Why Are We Here?

The response came,

For Healings

A group of 9 men, now brothers, formed, all were celibate.

They then started a healing service for the local people.

The people of Puerto Angel, Mazunte, Xipolite Beach all came

and took to the light.

9000 signed the guestbook, showing great need.

The blind, those with TB, the malnourished....

9000 people in need!

The local government noticed, and took offense.

Frank and the brothers were deported!

Off to Oakland,California they went

and in 1973 Governor Jerry Brown signed the Charter Papers for

The Church of the Gentle Brothers and Sisters.

While in Oakland Frank became interested in Sri Aurobindo.

He received a book by Satprem titled, "Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure or Consciousness".

He would sit on the couch for hours, releasing great blissful sighs every few minutes,
and then read out his newest favorite quote.

Sa'shwa, as Frank was now called, had many gifts.

He was the one most generous.

His vision to begin a school,orphanage and healing center came to fruition

when he began Pina Palmera on the Mexican Pacific coast


Sashwa's work there continues to flourish today

and is now recognized and supported by the Mexican Government

as well as numerous charitable organizations.

He passed over on November 4, 1986.

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